Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Belgian Winter Update

Well school was in session today and, yes(!!!!!), the movers are here unloading and unpacking on the coldest day in Belgium in 10 years (at least that's what they told us). I guess that goes hand in hand with the 10 year record snowfall yesterday which ended up being 6 inches. So the persevering guys are working hard and allowing me to try out my new Senseo coffeemaker which brews by the cup for your individual coffee pleasure. The only problem is that instead of having a huge pot of steaming coffee waiting for them, we brew it individually and it takes some time. But I'm not complaining, I'm just thankful our belongings have arrived! The guys have encountered a few obstacles with all the snow, but are problem solving and making the best of a difficult situation. This is the view from our backyard.


rswilson said...


We have really enjoyed reading your
blog. Continue to keep us updated
on everything. A B emailed Bob and
we hope to see them when we visit.

How did the kids like their new

Love, Mom and Dad

BelgiumBound said...

Oh yes, I'll update that right now.