Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Will We Get to Watch American Idol Again?

K traveled to the states last week and our internet conveniently decided not to work on Tuesday when he was away. We are 99% sure we know the source of the problem, but with the language barrier, along with other events, we haven't been able to bring resolution to the issue. The internet company came out to our street last week and just happened to be digging, for what? (maybe the geocaching thing I just heard about??) we're not sure, but we're pretty sure they cut our line. Now, we're pretty sure also that in the states the company would have it fixed within 48 hours (probably even 24 hours), but not the case here. We didn't have the right "username" to check the status of our service. Can't they just look up your address? No. It just goes on and on from there. I won't bore you with the details. So, now the gentleman today said we'd have to wait until next Wednesday the 20th, yes, another week, to have the technician come and fix the line. That just puts a little damper on things...like blogging, and watching American Idol on the Slingbox...we're so far behind...will the Tivo cut out a show since it's only supposed to have 2 saved at a time? We'll just have to go to McDonald's to watch it on their free internet before any episodes are deleted! Hopefully we'll get our internet up and running again before Danny wins the whole thing. Don't give us any information...we want to watch it for ourselves!


Dallas said...

I'm totally jealous that you get to watch American Idol in the first place.

Reid said...

what a bummer about the internet. ugh. that makes me want to grit my teeth at all things belgian. good luck with staying patient! Reid

julie said...

Keep repeating this to yourself over and over....

I have the awesome opportunity to live in Europe, I have the awesome opportunity to live in Europe, I have the awesome opportunity to live in Europe

...It doesn't always help, but it helps pass the time until the internet is fixed!