Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mediterranean Cruise, Days 1 & 2 (July 12 & 13)

Embarking the cruise in Barcelona, we had a full day on Sunday (anchored until about 7 p.m.) to PLAY! The slide and pool remained favorites all day since the weather was hot. J's getting ready here with Daddy.

Like polar opposites, the slide water was as warm as the pool water was cold!
R is a little advanced in his slide technique as you can see below. He's learned how to get the ultimate fast experience by leaning back.
While eating outside on the ship, my son's food was pestered by a fly which he ended up catching by the wing. Do you think that could make David Letterman's "Stupid Human Tricks"?
"My Mom Told Me" is a song R started to write while we were on the ship. The title is as far as the song went even though I kept asking him all week what it was that I told him??? I'd love to know...maybe someday I'll find out.
Sidenote: R loves to sing...especially when he's in the restroom washing his hands for some reason. I remember one day last year at school when he was in my classroom waiting for me to get off work and he needed to go to the restroom. I sent him down, and then a student of mine needed to go as well, so I sent him down too. My student, Dustin, came back to inform me, "I didn't know R liked to sing in the restroom." I thought it was a family secret and maybe he chose not to display his talent in public, but I guessed wrong and I have to admit I was a little embarrassed.

1 comment:

julie said...

R and President Obama have something in common. They are both experts at catching flies! We can't wait to learn more about your cruise.