Monday, March 8, 2010

How Much Longer Does it Last?

Kids say the darndest things! That's one thing I just love about them, but how much longer does this last? While we were reading our little Bible this morning about Abraham and Sarah having a baby in their old age, my 6 year old says, "Well, I want Nana and Papaw to have another baby boy and another baby girl." I thought, "Ok, I'll let them know how you feel about that. Not so sure what they'll think about it, but I'll let them know you want that." So, Nana and Papaw, what do you say?


rswilson said...

Nana and Papaw say "no way"

BelgiumBound said...

I told her your response and she said (and I'm quoting her), "But everything is possible with the Lord."