Friday, April 2, 2010

Dip, Dip, Dip, Dip an Egg

R sang this song yesterday at his Easter assembly. How appropriate since we were dipping our own today!

One of the topics of Easter conversation in Belgium includes which local store will be carrying white eggs for dying. It's a mystery which one will have them. One can only find brown eggs or already colored eggs in abundance around the Easter holiday.

I was elated to find some at the local Champion store, so today we colored our eggs with the dye from the states and these little color filled Q-tip swabs perfect for adding polka dots, stripes, and other artwork.


The smile on her face is gone because as she was displaying them for me without my help ("No, I can do it!") she dropped one which cracked on the floor.

Don't worry, she's already over it as I type!

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