Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bible Bayou - VBS (August)

Back home Vacation Bible School was a HUGE event. Our whole family participated (since it was in the evenings) with K wearing brightly colored shirts using a baton to direct traffic while I took turns teaching R and J's classes every other year. What a fun family we couldn't go without it this year either.

This year I signed up to be a crew leader with there being only 4 children assigned to my group when I usually have 20 children (with at least 2-3 wild, uncontrollable ones) running around. Personally, I was glad to have a little break. I thought it was God's way of telling me to relax a little and enjoy VBS. We sure did. The kids and I drove up each morning after packing our lunches (we were there for 4 hours) to sing praise songs, participate in crafts, play games, memorize Bible verses, and have fun! I particularly was impressed at how they organized the snacks. Each day a different group made the snacks (of course going along with the theme of the day) and then dispersed them to everyone at the tail end of lunch. Here is R showing off his snack of the day.

What a great way to end the summer, getting ready for a fresh start to school, while putting our focus back on the Lord!

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