Friday, December 18, 2009

Belgium Myth #3 - It Never Snows in Belgium

Oh Really?????

Then explain to me why it took us an hour to get out of the parking lot at the school on Thursday after the elementary Christmas performance when white stuff was stuck to my car? Then another hour to drive not even a quarter of a mile? Until my daughter in the back seat said those dreaded words, "I have to use the restroom." We'd already been in the car for 2 hours and had not even gone any farther than a half mile during the snowstorm. At this rate we'd be lucky to make it home before midnight.
So, we turned on a street right by school only to knock on a friend's door (you couldn't get hold of anyone by phone as the network was busy) and say unexpectedly, "Can we come in please?" So, we pottied and stayed for dinner. I had been to the grocery before the performance and placed my dairy items in a cooler, so we were able to contribute some chicken and salad to dinner. Around 8:30 we wondered if the kids had school tomorrow, so we tucked the children warmed by borrowed pj's into accommodating beds, waiting to decide if we should head out anytime in the next few hours or camp out there ourselves too.
Around 10:00 the man of the home had taken him 2 1/2 hours to drive a normally 15 min. drive, and he still had walked the last leg of the trip. Around 10:40 he ventured back out to see if the road had cleared in any way to retrieve his car, and told us he thought we could make it up the dreaded, treacherous slope. (I desperately wanted my own bed.) If not, we could return to the "Motel 6" as the lights would still be on at their house if we were unable to make it home.
Two groggy children were snuck from their beds to hop in our car headed for home. What would we find? About 15 minutes later, we were in the driveway texting that sweet, hospitable couple telling them we'd made it.

I have the pictures to prove we received about 4 1/2 inches of snow yesterday. So, I think that Belgium myth is marked "BUSTED!"

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