Sunday, December 6, 2009

What I've Been Up To

Does the sign look familiar? We had a Scholastic book fair at the kids' school and it was a blast!!! A little stressful (I helped with the organizing), but it was pure fun. Our goal for the 2 days was to sell books in English to students at school that might be otherwise difficult to obtain since English bookstores aren't in abundance here. We ordered and shipped the books from the U.S. so we aren't able to return any books left unsold. Along with the exchange rate, we had to pay for shipping fees as well. We carefully chose the items and prices for the books because of that. In the end we came out in the black instead of red, so it was a successful event!
It just so happened that the theme this year was "Read Around the World" - how appropriate for us!!!
We also don't have access to those wonderful rolling bookcases in American schools, so we had to improvise and display our books our way!

Helping with this event and another with the American Women's Club has put me a little behind on the blogging side of life, but I'm excited to get some pictures up of our recent trip, Thanksgiving, and many others.
It was all worth the time and effort when a little boy peeked over the counter as he paid for his books and asked, "So, do I get to keep these books forever?"
"YES!!!" he exclaimed as we shook our heads, smiling. We were exhausted at the end of the sale, but thrilled that so many people could enjoy such wonderful books.
Cute comment: One of our friend's daughters exclaimed, "Mommy, I think 'LeBron James' is French because you know 'le' comes before lots of french words," as she displayed to her mom the NBA book she bought at our book fair!

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