Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter 2010!

Amidst the Neuhaus chocolate bunnies and Kinder eggs, the favorite, most talked about Easter gift was the gogos. I have no idea why. We are handed a few after grocery shopping at the local Carrefour in exchange for spending money at their store. I know the Easter bunny received them for all his shopping - especially all the Kinder eggs he bought for just about every child living in Belgium! Still, they are the rave here. Not sure if they even exist in the states?

These Easter baskets were one of the lone survivors of our basement flood last year. Arising out of the basement mud caked, they both needed the intense wash setting and even though the bunny lost her whiskers, I think they cleaned up pretty well considering she's white! They were one of my first washings of about 50 and it paid off.

After diving into the baskets, we headed to church for a day of celebration.

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