Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Same Old Lives

During our cultural training of Belgium a few weeks before we moved, the instructor told us we would want to keep some family traditions alive so the kids had some consistency. Her family chose to go out for pizza every Sunday night during their stint abroad. I'm not sure we could find a pizza place open on Sundays here??
I completely agreed that we'd need to find something.
We didn't really think about it before the move, but we already had a few things going like scrambled eggs and pancake breakfasts on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Also, our involvement with a small group from church which met every Sunday evening. The kids really missed that in the beginning - even more than I thought they would. Everyone in the group had small children their ages and the kids played for 2 hours while we had Bible study time. They had loved Sunday nights with their lifelong friends - yes, they've known some of them literally from the day they were born. That was irreplaceable!
We have found a church home here and meet with a small group, but not as often as back home since we meet every 2-3 weeks. But, we still do it and I think that's the important part.
R has joined a laid back soccer club and J hasn't quite found anything yet (they don't start them quite as young here). She'll be able to do Irish dancing lessons this fall though and she's thrilled! She practices all the time around the kitchen.
Here's R doing the same soccer stuff he did in the states, only with bigger kids.

I seriously can't remember if this was a goal or not? Bad Mom!

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