Friday, June 5, 2009

Stinkerish Snails

These little creatures have been out all spring. They were fun to spot one night in a large bush by our front door, and some mornings we wake to see them crawling across the front kitchen window. Those are the mornings my kids jump out of bed to see the "surprise" waiting for them downstairs.

Now, however, they have become pests as they have eaten my pansies to shreds by the front door. Those stinkers!

The peculiar thing is sometimes you see them on the sidewalk without their shells. One morning after K walked the kids to the bus stop he came back to report, "You didn't tell me we had a slug farm outside." Some mornings we have counted over 70 on our walk to meet the bus!

For my factual son, we still haven't figured out how they get their shells since we're nowhere near the ocean.

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