Friday, December 11, 2009

Taking One for the Team

When K left for the airport last Sunday, he had clothes filling one suitcase and another suitcase equal in size completely empty ready to bring back the American treasures for Christmas, J's birthday in January (including party stuff ordered from Oriental Trading), crafts for R's school Christmas party, other random grocery items from my list, additional baby items for my new nephew coming to visit in about a week. My family already has diapers, formula, baby food, strollers, car seats, (the list seems endless when you have baby travelers!), etc. to bring. He helped them out by bringing a few items ahead of time.

So, his sacrifice in all of this was leaving ALL his clothes in Indianapolis with my parents. (No, he's not becoming the Naked Barcelona Man.) He's basically coming home to us tomorrow morning with the very clothes on his back and that's IT! What a trooper! He didn't donate them to Goodwill, but my mom is going to wash them and store them for his return on business in January or February. He won't have to pack a single item when he returns. Why didn't we think of this whole concept earlier? I could have been bringing back sooooo much stuff from the states (especially since the exchange rate is stacked against us over here!), we just need to hope and pray he doesn't get stopped in customs. I don't even want to think about what the taxes would be on 2 huge suitcases full of new treasures without any clothes in sight!


Dallas said...

Did you know that the AWCB rents baby items - pack-n-plays, carseats, high chairs - for a really low price for members with visiting babies and kids? They can give you a list of what is rentable from "the attic" at the front desk.

We brought a separate suitcase for goodies back from the US too, but I think it will mostly be filled with books.

julie said...

Bob made it back with his suitcases loaded! They looked sideways at him in Customs, asked him if he was a resident and wanted to see his commune card. Luckily, they didn't open his loaded suitcases. They would have had quite a surprise with the treasures he brought us. So funny to have seen K on the same flight! They even got to see a little snow while they were home!