Friday, February 20, 2009

Scientific Shirts

While riding in my car this morning, a news report came on the radio (the BBC - I'm not sure what this stands for, nor where it's based), but they are about the only English speaking radio signal we receive. Supposedly in England someone is marketing shirts that melt in water in only about 9 seconds. It all started with the problem of people buying too many shirts for just a few pounds each, wearing them for a couple of days (straight - yuk!), and then trashing them. The landfills are filling up quickly with clothing items. This is the resolution now...melting shirts. You buy your shirt for just a few pounds, wear it for a few days (again, yuk!), and then dissolve it in water.
I'm not sure what you're thinking, but I started thinking, now what about when people sweat? Could the shirt have the same reaction as it does with water? Does the shirt dissolve right out from under your armpits? Or what if someone spills water on themselves as they miss their mouth to take a drink? Does it dribble down your shirt leaving gigantic holes? Nine seconds goes fairly you just keep a spare shirt in your purse?
This definitely will need some further investigation from me. I'll keep you posted if I find out any interesting news.


julie said...

I want to listen to that station! I currently listen to 101.7 which is the armed services station. I can hear music and NPR but I can never figure out when each of those is broadcast.

BelgiumBound said...

The BBC is (I think) 648 and I can't remember what wavelength. I'll find out and let you know!