Saturday, March 28, 2009

Student Led Conferences

Coming from a teaching background, student led conferences are intriguing and I couldn't wait to have my kids lead me! J couldn't either as she skipped home from the bus Tuesday, holding my hand saying, "Tomorrow I get to be the teacher and you're the kid."

We started off on Wednesday with J's in Pre-K at 1:00. They are to last an hour, so I curiously wondered how we would fill the time. There were so many activities these little ones participate in I couldn't believe it!
We climbed the stairs to the loft area in her classroom where she eagerly told about how her reading buddy and her contributed to the classroom model.

Using a finger, the students practice writing their names in blue sand. Her favorite part was erasing it with the wooden strip.

They also have a Smart Board in her classroom and the teachers did a reading activity on it incorporating architecture, they're theme of study the past few weeks.

Looking through her portfolio, she recalled and expressed to me her many accomplishments under the loft as we looked through her work.

Right outside her classroom is a map of the world with strings indicating the countries all of the students moved from to live in Belgium. Pretty diverse - huh?

As an art display in the hallway they also showed off their new and improved houses. The top is ours. We sent in a picture and she dolled it up complete with a fountain and colorful roof tiles. I think we should definitely take her architectural advice and get a fountain!

These teachers are so smart - they even had a paper mache area where we made an Easter egg together. Then I was part of the mess, and not the teachers. How clever! :)

The bottom line is she loves art and I'm so thankful she can participate in so many crafty projects!

Then it was R's turn at 2:20. He cracked me up as we found his to-do-list on his desk of items we could discuss together. I asked, "So, Buddy, what do you want to do first?" "I don't know." He's usually undecisive when it comes to things like this. "What does the top of this paper say?" I asked him. "Student Led Conferences," he replied. "So, lead me," is all I said, and he took the reins.

So proud of his clock out in the hallway, we had to get a close up picture of this thing so all could see! His teacher bragged on his handwriting. Thanks to Mrs. McNaught and Mrs. Clark!

We moved all over the classroom from the math game with tens and ones to the computer where we watched his presentation of the Memory Box he brought in to the classroom. He also did some word sorts and I was to "buddy check".

We read through his portfolio as well discussing his writing and colorful illustrations. Then out to the hallway again where the students had found man made and natural objects, glued them to an egg shaped paper, and brought them in for the display. We helped with that part at home. Then the teachers had the kids write descriptive words about their egg on a piece of paper. The parents retrieved one from the box, read the description to our child, and they had to guess which egg it matched. What a fun game!

What an eventful time and how fun to see what the kids do throughout their days at school! I'm so proud of both of them!

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