Sunday, March 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

On Friday, our daddy received an e-mail from his boss asking him to come to Indy from Sunday through Thursday to cover for him while he's on spring break. K would arrive back in Brussels on Friday morning. I don't think his boss knew his birthday is on March 28th, or maybe in the corporate world nobody really cares like your children. Our oldest goes with the flow and nothing really shakes him too badly, so he thought nothing of it. Our youngest was concerned that Daddy wouldn't get the party he deserved because of course, you know he's the best daddy in the world!
We made do and handed him our home made cards Saturday night - with our oldest deciding Daddy needed some challenging brain activities. He came up with 4 brain teasers where K had to decide which item was different from the others and why.

So you can see the smile on R's face as his dad tries to figure out which answers are the correct ones. J's in there too trying to make sure daddy is smart enough to pick the right ones.
She's the one who comes home from kindergarten wanting our help in figuring out the challenge questions of the week. Stickers are at stake! The teachers use the letter of the week to inspire more difficult words. For instance, last week the letter was "E" so she came home wondering what a green diamond is - oh, emerald. "What about a tree that stays green all year long?" Evergreen. "The tallest mountain in the world?" Mt. Everest.
She loves puzzles of any kind!

So we celebrated with our traditional cookie cake and ate our favorite take out, Yoko Wok, so we could send Daddy off on Sunday. Happy Birthday Daddy! We love you and miss you already!

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