Friday, August 21, 2009

A Little Pay-Off

As a parent, you always wonder how much your children are really learning from the efforts you make in disciplining and teaching. I read to the kids out of a children's Bible handed down from our old neighbors back home (thanks Penny, Christopher, and Paul) every school morning (summer ones are too relaxed). I read about 2-3 stories each day while they are eating breakfast. Usually one or both will say, "Read one more, please." How can you say, "No," to reading the Bible to your children? (Photo courtesy of my 5 year old with the fairy bookmark she made.)

Before bedtime we hit the devotional and a plethora of other types of books off our shelves or brought home from the library, but no matter how much you read and teach, you're never sure how much they're actually retaining.

After being in Europe for about 8 months now, we have decided we'd like to travel out east a little more to see Egypt, Greece, and a few other destinations. It ended up that a cruise fitting our Egypt needs was called the Holy Land Cruise. Perfect. I'd love to see places from the Bible. So, we booked it today and sat down at dinner to discuss our fall break plans with the kids.

"Do you ever remember hearing about Egypt from the Bible?" K asked the kids. "Sure," J replied. "I remember the brothers that had to go ask their other brother for food." My mouth dropped open. I'm serious. K saw it happen. She was talking about Joseph (you know, the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat!) from the Old Testament. She never remembers things like this! R is always the insightful one that has a steel trap mind! THEN she adds, "I also remember the frogs, blood, and flies." Now she was talking about the plagues God put on Egypt when Pharaoh wouldn't let the Israelites go. She admitted she remembered them because of Sunday School and reading the Bible each morning. Oh, thank you Lord for the tiny pats on the back for our perseverance in teaching your Word and Truth! I have been reading that Bible for 2-3 years, over and over again to the kids.


Reid said...

how inspirational. and motivating to me to copy your breakfast routine. i can't wait to hear more about your cruise plans!

Aaron, Mandy, Kayla, and Maren said...

What a wonderful reward for your diligence. I hope that I can start making that time too. As Kayla was pulling on her shirt the other day, it got stuck on her head with just her face showing. She said, I look like a wise man! I thought that was pretty cool. I hope you guys are doing well. We miss you!