Saturday, April 4, 2009

Just in Case You're Wondering...

My parents are coming from the states and many people have asked about our shopping list for them. The requests have been: Hormel chili (no beans) for a special dip we looove, Ramen Noodles, syrup from Sam's Club, pancake mix from Sam's, vanilla extract, black walking boots for A (everything is so expensive here), small baggies, Children's Motrin, Pace Salsa (the huge plastic container because all the salsa here is disgusting), granola bars from Sam's, and extra long shower curtains I had to order from Bed Bath and Beyond as I was not going to search endlessly for them here.

Instead of us utilizing our once a year plane tickets to come home, we gave them to my parents and K's as well. Now they can come see us while flying business class and bring a few extra I don't feel the slightest bit guilty asking them to do some shopping for our much missed products!

I just bet my mom will be glad when we come home so she doesn't have to do all the miscellaneous shopping for us.


julie said...

What? No peanut butter?

Paula said...

Hey folks..wanted to say Happy Easter and let you know we all miss you here. I love the blog and visit it often. I'm so glad you started it. I'm so glad your folks get to visit for Easter. Have a blessed holiday.
Paula & Family