Thursday, April 16, 2009

One Way Out of Eating Your Supper!

As I was making dinner, J announced, "Yuck, we're having Waterzooi tonight?" We had to since my parents are here. It's a true Belgian recipe!

Literally minutes before the meal timer went off, she was running through the house to tell R something extremely important about her Hot game when she hit the glass side table, slicing her ear. Immediately we heard the scream that means she's not crying wolf. After investigating the situation, we decided it probably needed stitches and headed to the hospital with our TomTom as we had no clue where in Brussels this place would be.

Only days before had the kids and I received our Belgian identity cards which makes the whole process a lot easier. I handed J's card to the receptionist, waited a few minutes while she punched numbers and letters into the computer, and then put it back in my purse to wait for a doctor. It was really that easy. The doctor came and stitched her up (6 stitches) after putting the magic numbing cream on her ear to ease the pain. She claimed it still hurt pretty bad, but like she told me, "I was a trooper!" She sure was. We left the hospital without touching or signing a single paper within 2 hours and headed to McDonald's at 10:00 to finally eat our dinner. We didn't have the heart to make her eat Waterzooi, but instead we had to celebrate her great attitude and bravery with a Happy Meal and Fanta to drink!

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