Monday, June 1, 2009

Cooking with the Pre-K Kids

Every Wednesday the moms have a rotating schedule, each taking turns cooking with the pre-kindergarten kids in the class. How fun! We made play dough. Even though you don't eat it, that's still fair game because you actually do cook it on the stove top.
Having a teaching background, I just love this time with my daughter and her new friends! The children are broken up into groups of 3-4. This day we had them broken up into color groups...the color of play dough they wanted to make. One poor little boy was in the pink group and kept telling me the whole time that he had really wanted to make yellow. How do you disappoint a 4 year old? Before we added the food coloring to his group's dough, I poured some out so he could have his yellow. Each child came away with a ball of their very own play dough to take home.

1 comment:

Reid said...

oooo! what is your recipe? looks like fun!