Monday, June 29, 2009

School's Out...Finally!

Start the violin so I can say, "My poor kids"...they had to start school in mid-August (like the states) and go until the end of June (like Europe). (R's school back home was out before Memorial Day.)

Thursday was our last day. If they actually were aware of how this middle of the year move had played out, they would both be complaining, "That's not fair!" That's the blessing of them being just 7 and much longer can we continue to pull the wool over their eyes?

The last week of school consisted of field trips, Race Day, crafts and many other exciting activities. Below are a few of the pictures from the fun filled week.

R during Race Day

1 comment:

julie said...

You are right! Our posts have almost the same titles. What I noticed the most was how our kids were dressed. It was the end of June when you took the pics and the kids are wearing jackets and long pants! Our weather is so different from Indiana! My mom and dad visited and brought clothes that they would have worn in Illinois. Boy were they shocked when they only wore shorts once during their entire stay. I'm glad it is finally getting have a 'cool' air conditioner!