Saturday, January 23, 2010

Go Colts!

The countdown is on...just a few hours until the big game. Indianapolis Colts vs. the New Orleans Saints.
Our plan of television watching has changed. We originally were waking up at 1:00 AM to watch the game live, but decided to catch a few more z's and wake up at 5:00 AM for the Tivoed version. The plan of attack is to fast forward through the commercials and only watch the game since there is no way of avoiding finding out the score a few hours after a victor has been determined. I will multi-task throughout the game by dressing the kids for school, feeding them breakfast, and fixing hair so we don't hold up the school bus which arrives at 7:53 on the dot.
Monday evening we can fast forward through the game to only watch commercials, or pull them up on our MSN homepage.
Hopefully our team will come out victorious! We believe!

1 comment:

Reid said...

good plan! go colts! hope you can actually go to sleep tonight.