Wednesday, January 7, 2009

School in Belgium VS. School in Indiana

Well R is male, and trying to get information out of him is difficult. You just have to take it in pieces, basically whenever he's ready to deliver. So we found out through discussion at the dinner table last night that he really enjoys school here for a few reasons...snack time (AM and PM, and recess...three of them. Yes, he told us there were three recesses. He usually tells the truth, so as I was eating my Big Mac (our first time to eat McD's since we've been here) and wondering if that was truly the case, K says, "Well, they can do things like that in Belgium." OK - So will he ever want to go back to the states?

Then J wakes up this morning and says she doesn't want to go to school today because it's Mommy's birthday and she wants to stay and celebrate with me. You mean, unpack? Because that's all I'm going to be doing. Exciting, I know! So after a little probing, I find out that she doesn't like school at the moment because of the weather at recess. She is getting too cold. So I ask her, "Well, do you think maybe we should consider wearing pants to school instead of a dress? Maybe you'd stay warmer that way." I convince her that's a great idea, so you know she must have been extremely cold to go against her girly nature!


rswilson said...

Happy Birthday A

Love, Mom and Dad

Mandy Hassell said...

Happy Birthday Amber! We sure do miss you! I have been catching up on your posts today! What am I supposed to be working when I am at school? :)

It sounds like the kids are adjusting well! I can't believe all the snow!

How are you doing? Do you like it there?

Know that we are thinking of you and we hope all is well!

Nate said...

We all miss you. We like Mrs Luck but not as much as you.

From Nate