Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What We're Doing Now

Today is the big day. K is prepared with all the documents needed to obtain the visa for us to stay in Belgium for the next 2 years. I would give you all the boring details, but I'll save them for another time. Hopefully everything works out as planned and he receives it without too much drama.

I have been busy learning about more mistakes we've been making in our house, hopefully not to the point of destruction. The American Women's Club has a course that many new to Belgium wives take called "Hints for Living in Belgium". I have met a diverse group of ladies in this class and have definitely enjoyed getting to know them. Yesterday the topic was cleaning. Well, we all know I screwed up when we first arrived and washed my dishes in salt. Now I'm finding out that if I don't start adding anti-calcaire to my washing machine for clothes, then the pipes will accumulate build-up from the water being so hard here and I could potentially damage them. Also, since we live in an older home with a septic system, I need to be flushing something down the toilets that I still cannot find. I looked up and down aisles yesterday for about 30 min. trying to find a product that had a few key words on the packaging like "pour septique." I don't know what was wrong with my eyes, but I couldn't find it to save my life. It's now on my growing list of items to find. Before we left for Belgium, discussions with family and friends came up about if I was planning on working in Belgium. For us, I don't know how I could have gone to work since this whole thing of learning how to live in a different culture is enough of a job. The payment is just in a different currency...experiencing a different culture, living in close vicinity of many amazing historical sites, living in Europe!

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